Cruelty-Free Frees Animals!

It’s estimated that more than 80% of cosmetics sold worldwide are tested on animals, based on market shares1 and checking the cruelty-free credentials of those companies.

In Aotearoa New Zealand, it’s estimated that up to 80% of cosmetics are imported.2 Imported cosmetics can still be tested on animals.

Cruelty-free cosmetics take animals out of the equation.  

The Toll of Animal-Tested Cosmetics

The Humane Society International estimates that globally, hundreds of thousands of animals suffer and die just for cosmetics each year.3  

The types of tests animals are subject to for cosmetics are gruesome. They include force-feeding animals different substances, applying substances to the skin of animals, forcing animals to inhale substances and, sadly, much more!  

These cruel tests are completely unnecessary, and many animal-free methods can be used to accurately test the safety of cosmetics and household products.

We need to keep the cruelty out of beauty.

Save lives: Sign the Petition

In 2015, we saved animals from the cruelty of beauty testing in NZ by banning animal testing for finished cosmetic products and ingredients.  

Now we can save even more animals by banning the import and sale of animal-tested cosmetics and ingredients in NZ.  

Stop the double standard, Aotearoa. Close this cruel loophole.  

No Comprise. No Cruelty!


Sign the petition now!