Want to donate to a health charity in NZ while also making your position about animal testing clear? Use one of our helpful email templates below to ensure your contributions are cruelty-free!

Writing to a charity you’ve donated to:

*You will need to edit and personalise the text that is bolded in [brackets].

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my support and admiration for the incredible work done by [Charity's Name] in advancing healthcare and research.

As a dedicated supporter of your organisation, I am committed to contributing to initiatives that improve human lives, so much so that today, I made a donation of [$X] to your charity.

While I fully endorse your mission and objectives, I kindly request that the donation I made today isn’t spent on research that involves animal experimentation. It is essential to me that my donations are directed toward ethical research methods that do not involve harm or suffering to animals.

If [Charity's Name] does not fund research that involves animal experimentation, can you please make this clear by applying to be added to the NZ Cruelty-Free Charities List here: www.nzavs.org.nz/take-action/cruelty-free-charities-list-application

This list is being developed by NZAVS - Aotearoa’s leading Charity dedicated to the elimination of animal experimentation since 1978.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your name]


Writing to a charity that you want to donate to:

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my support and admiration for the incredible work done by [Charity's Name] in advancing healthcare and research.

As a dedicated supporter of your organisation, I am committed to contributing to initiatives that improve human lives.

While I fully endorse your mission and objectives, I kindly request clarification on your stance regarding animal testing. As a passionate advocate for cruelty-free practices, it is essential to me that my donations are directed toward ethical research methods that do not involve harm or suffering to animals.

I kindly ask if [Charity's Name] can provide confirmation that my donations won’t be spent on funding research that involves animal experimentation.

Ensuring the ethical treatment of all living beings is of paramount importance to me, and I believe it aligns with [Charity's Name]'s mission to create a better and more compassionate world.

Also, if [Charity's Name] does not fund research that involves animal experimentation, can you please make this clear by applying to be added to the NZ Cruelty-Free Charities List here: www.nzavs.org.nz/take-action/cruelty-free-charities-list-application

This list is being developed by NZAVS, Aotearoa’s leading Charity dedicated to the elimination of animal experimentation since 1978..

Your transparency and commitment to cruelty-free practices will greatly influence my decision to continue supporting your charity. I look forward to your response and appreciate your dedication to making a positive impact on the world.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your name]

Legal Disclaimer: Pathfinder Asset Management Limited is the issuer of the Pathfinder KiwiSaver Plan. A product Disclosure Statement for the offer is available at www.path.co.nz. 0% animal testing data from Mindful Money Check and Compare

With your help we can end animal experimentation in Aotearoa.