Our Kid's Book the Six-Foot Rats

Teaching kids that one of these things is not like the other! Rats don’t react like humans and humans don’t react like rats.

Why we work to end animal experimentation

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One of the main reasons animal experimentation is flawed and should end is because we as humans do not respond the same way to drugs or other interventions as animals, including rats. We are not six-foot-tall rats!

We want to spread this message far and wide, and where better to start than with our children! Children are our future, and if we can change their perceptions and break the current conventional cycle, the next generation will help us see animal experimentation become a dark story in a history book.

The Six-Foot Rats tells the story of two lab rats, Archie and Monty who come to the realisation that they are being used to try and find treatments for humans – an entirely different species! This doesn't make sense at all so they start wishing for a new life outside of the lab. Luckily, dreams can come true and these two rats find themselves being adopted into the NZAVS whānau where they spent the rest of their lives being spoilt and showered in love!

The Six-Foot Rats was written and illustrated by our very talented friend Rebecca Gibbs.

Buy a Copy of The Six-Foot Rats

You can purchase the book from our online shop here.

Our Goal

Our aim was to have this book in most public and primary school libraries in New Zealand and change the course of history

Thanks to our amazing supporters, we achieved this goal and we raised enough money to send a copy of this important resource to 2,106 libraries across NZ!

Children across the country, for years to come, will have access to this informative book and learn about animal testing and why it so urgently needs to end.

If you supported this campaign — thank you, together we are creating real change for animals!

The Impact We're Having

Our book is already having an impact. Kids and teachers all over New Zealand have sent us messages in support of the book. Here are a few examples:

A Christchurch primary school read the Six-Foot Rats in class and the response was powerful and could mark a change in history for animals in science. After primary school teacher Miss Vale read the book out to her class, her students had a discussion about animal experimentation. The children were all very engaged and spoke out about their anger that animals were hurt like that, for nothing.

Miss Vale with 8-Year old Izzi after her class would read The Six-Foot Rats.

8-Year old Izzi said:

“I want to save all rats and start an animal sanctuary with my Mum. It’s wrong to test on animals and it needs to stop.”

It was clear that children understand that it makes no sense to test on rats to find cures for humans. This is an important step towards creating a generation that supports a shift away from animal experimentation.

Miss Vale said:

“The Six Foot Rats was an enjoyable and informational book that I read to my class. It teaches the importance of why testing on animals for beauty and medicinal purposes is inhumane and cruel as our species are both completely different.

We are all really grateful that there are amazing organisations like NZAVS out there helping fight this fight for the poor animals that are affected by this.”

Miss Young, a primary school teacher in Auckland.

Miss Young, a primary school teacher, read our children's book to her class. Here's what she had to say about it:

“I believe that The Six-Foot Rats is an important book for a child’s development and for the next generation if we want to see an end to animal experimentation."

"I read out NZAVS’ book The Six-Foot Rats to help the children understand that animal experimentation is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed, and to encourage the children to be empathetic and show compassion. I’m creating an environment where children feel safe to form their own ideas, feelings and values and where they can learn without prejudice."

The Six-Foot Rats is a must-read for all children in NZ if we want to see animal experimentation become a thing of the past.

Book Review

“The Six-Foot Rats, with its delightful illustrations, introduces children to the important issue of animal testing without giving them nightmares. I highly recommend this imaginative and informative book.”- Jane Goodall, PhD, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace.

Read more reviews of our book here.

With your help we can end animal experimentation in Aotearoa.