Massey University has become the first New Zealand institute to publicly commit to replacing the use of animals for science.
NZAVS, Aotearoa’s leading Charity dedicated to the elimination of animal experimentation, has crowned Massey University as the first institute in NZ to publish a clear Statement of Intent that it is “committed to replacing the use of animals for science, wherever possible, as technology permits.”
The charity applauds this ‘scientific breakthrough’ and thanks Massey University for leading the way in Aotearoa, which has more than 100 institutes that could make this same commitment.
NZAVS hails this as a ‘scientific breakthrough’ by Massey University as it proves the science and research community is now taking the lead in lieu of any government leadership.
Together with the science and research industry, NZAVS has repeatedly presented a ‘case for scientific change’ to the New Zealand Government and at a pivotal Select Committee hearing earlier this year to ultimately replace and, therefore, phase out the harmful use of animals for science in Aotearoa.
As part of that case, NZAVS has pushed for policy and law change for Aotearoa to categorically commit to phasing out the use of animals for science as technology permits. By doing so, New Zealand will match other jurisdictions like the US, UK and the EU that have already set a clear direction at the government level for scientific institutes to adhere to.
Miss Tara Jackson, Executive Director of NZAVS, says: “Our end goal at NZAVS is to see an end to animal experimentation entirely. Until then, we need New Zealand to ‘catch up’ and ‘step up’ in terms of best practices for using and funding innovative animal-free methods. By making this clear public statement, Massey University is forging a path in Aotearoa to encourage both.”
“This is just the beginning. We’re urging all institutes using animals for science to make this same commitment. Imagine a future Aotearoa where the entire animal science and research community shares this progressive vision for the future. The power of such a unified front has limitless potential for both animals and science,” added Miss Jackson.
“We are very happy to own this statement; it captures the heart of the animal ethics committee and of the people who use animals at Massey,” said Massey University Animal Welfare Officer Juliet Cayzer.